Wednesday, 12 March 2025

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Tag: MW1 Fibershield

Alec Houle

All About Fabric Protection

schedule Posted by  Alec Houle Published
Categorized as Fabric Protection Tagged , , , ,
Well, let’s explore the science behind fabric protection. The fabric protection treatment that is most widely used by professionals and has a dominant position in the cleaning industry is Fluorochemical.  They are the choice of professionals because they repel both water and oil-based stains and spills. Fabric protectors lower the surface energy of the fiber,… Continue reading All About Fabric Protection
Hits: 13601
Alec Houle

Best Boston Carpet Cleaner

schedule Posted by  Alec Houle Published
Categorized as Carpet Cleaning Tagged , , , ,
  Ever wonder who is the best Boston carpet cleaner?  Well, you’re not alone.  Many people living in Boston want to know. Many homes in Boston have very expensive wall-to-wall carpets as well as some very costly custom-made area rugs and these carpets are not for the novice carpet cleaner.   Many of these area… Continue reading Best Boston Carpet Cleaner
Hits: 7893