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Alec Houle

Stains on Carpets

schedule Posted by  Alec Houle  on  Saturday, 25 April , 2015  in   Stains on Carpets
Characteristics of Carpet Stains   When it comes to stains on carpets, there are typically two types of stains on carpets. There are surface stains and there are deep stains. Surface stains are the result of substances like dirt, grease, sap, or other stains related to foot traffic, or small stains resulting from small spills.… Continue reading Stains on Carpets
Hits: 9035
Alec Houle

Cleaning Wool Carpets

schedule Posted by  Alec Houle  on  Tuesday, 31 March , 2015  in   About Rugs
Cleaning of Wool Carpets When it comes to the cleaning of wool carpets there are many items of concern. Many more than those carpets made of the latest synthetic fibers. The first concern is using cleaners that are safe to use on wool fibers. Most cleaners today are designed to be used on synthetic fibers… Continue reading Cleaning Wool Carpets
Hits: 8526
Alec Houle

Pre Existing Conitions

schedule Posted by  Alec Houle  on  Friday, 20 March , 2015  in   Discussions on Carpet & Upholstery
This is a subject that really should be both understood and explained to homeowners by professionals before providing service in many areas. In the carpet and upholstery cleaning field, I see this quite often and I also realize even our industry does not do enough to educate the consumer. Pre-existing conditions usually refer to conditions… Continue reading Pre Existing Conitions
Hits: 7629
Alec Houle

Cat Urine on Rugs

schedule Posted by  Alec Houle  on  Thursday, 29 January , 2015  in   Spot Cleaning
Cleaning of Cat Urine on Rugs   Let me first give you a few facts on cat urine marking and cat habits before discussing the cleaning of cat urine on rugs. Before we go into the details of cat urine and its ammonia smell, it is important to note what cat urine is composed of.… Continue reading Cat Urine on Rugs
Hits: 13086
Alec Houle

Carpets Are Created Differently

schedule Posted by  Alec Houle  on  Sunday, 25 January , 2015  in   Carpet Cleaning
Every carpet is created a little differently. There is a lot more to carpet differences than price. The fibers used, colors or dye process used as well as the weave of the rug itself.  Various fibers and how they are used in carpet dictates how easy the carpet will be to clean, how long it… Continue reading Carpets Are Created Differently
Hits: 7263