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Alec Houle

Wearing Shoes in Your Home

schedule Posted by  Alec Houle  on  Tuesday, 1 August , 2017  in   News
Hits: 9329

We all know or should know wearing shoes in your home will have many negative effects. The first and most visible is the result of premature wear, due to fiber loss from dry soil particles being tracked in from your shoes and it is these soil particles that have sharp edges and cut the fibers deep within your carpet. Never mind the visual effects of that soil being tracked in, depositing on the face fibers and leaving you with a very undesirable appearance of your carpets. 

Besides the visual effects, we have those effects that you can’t see. Think of running across your front lawn when you have that morning dew on the grass. Doing this can cause you to bring millions of mold spores into your home with those wet shoes. If you don’t think that’s a big deal. You need to realize the most commonly reported health problems from mold exposure are respiratory in nature – sneezing, stuffiness, coughing, wheezing, and throat irritation. Rashes and eye irritation are also typical reactions for those who are sensitive to mold. People with actual mold allergies may have more severe reactions, including shortness of breath, and more vulnerable populations – those with immune system problems and the elderly – may be more likely to get serious infections in their lungs.

My favorite though and I’m sure all men can agree with this one, is when you’re in a public restroom, standing in front of a urinal. You look down and the entire floor around the urinal, where you are standing, is covered with fresh urine. Yes, I know this is gross but it’s reality. That urine gets absorbed into the bottom of your shoes and yes, when you go home and walk across that nice soft carpet, it rubs off into the fibers. That’s just not something you want.

These are not the only health effects. A recent study published by the University of Houston had several thoughts on this. So here is a link to their thoughts on this.

So, I am sure after reading this, you will be thinking it is time to both change your habit of wearing shoes in your home as well as getting your carpets professionally cleaned and disinfected. So if you are within the greater Boston area or Cape Cod, give us a call at 781-871-4428 to schedule your appointment to at least get your carpets back to a clean, healthy status. The change in your bad habits, well that is on you.